According to recent national surveys, approximately one out of five teenagers has sent or posted nude or semi-nude pictures of themselves, and two out of five have sent or posted sexually suggestive messages.
Nearly half of all teenagers claim to have received such messages. Unfortunately, most parents do not know this activity is occurring, and worse yet, they do not know how to manage a sexting incident after the fact.
Today,, the leading provider of Parental Intelligence Systems including uKnowKids, is providing parents five tips to help prevent or manage a sexting incident. According to Tim Woda, an Internet and child safety expert and co-founder of "Sexting does not only affect the reputation of the person involved, it also comes with legal ramifications.
In fact, the same minor that sends photos of himself can become both a victim and a perpetrator of child pornography laws. Forwarding such messages to friends or mobile contacts can also come with serious ramifications.