Some facts about lightning:
- Most lightning victims are close to safe shelter but wait too long to get there.
- About 34% are outside, far from safe shelter, engaging in activities like bicycling, hiking, camping, and fishing, common family activities for the summer months.
- Over 60% of lightning fatalities happen when people are engaged in leisure activities.
- Lightning injuries often leave victims with serious life-long disabilities, depression, job loss and family breakups.
- 80% of lightning victims are male. Men will make better choices if they believe their actions will have an impact on their families. Social science shows that women are influential in getting the men in their lives to make smart choices when it comes to health and safety.
Lightning casualties are preventable IF we understand lightning safety rules and take responsibility to follow them. Together, we can help spread this information. To find out more, please visit and don't forget to Like the National Weather Service on Facebook and follow them on Twitter!