Of the many truisms offered by the Ancient Greeks, the benefits of moderation and balance in life is one of the most enduring. Unfortunately, maintaining biological balance as we age beyond midlife can be almost impossible – at least, without appropriate intervention, says Dr. Steven Hotze. “People accept that our hormones slowly diminish as we age, but it has taken the mainstream medical community a very long time to accept that our hormonal imbalances cause age-related health problems,” says Dr. Hotze, founder of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, (www.hotzehwc.com), and author of “Hormones, Health and Happiness.”
“Fifteen years ago, the concept of hormone replacement therapy was widely considered almost avant-garde. Today, hormone-replacement medicine for ‘Low T,’ or low testosterone, is all the buzz.” But not all hormone replacement therapies are equal – or good for you, says Dr. Hotze. Here are his answers to some frequently asked questions.