Exercise | Reviews | Giveaways at Mommy Living the Life of Riley

Posted by: Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley on September 12th, 2012    Filed in: Tips, Techniques, How-Tos & Advice

Baby Weight With celebrity moms including Lauren Graham, Courtney Cox, Mary Louise Parker, Julianne Moore and Kate Hudson turning to fitness expert Michelle Lovitt to keep their bodies strong and healthy, I thought you might be interested in these tips from Michelle Lovitt on how to say goodbye to the baby weight for good.

1.       Invest in a Heart Rate Monitor Would you drive your car with a blindfold to an unknown destination? Then why exercise and not know how many calories you’re burning and where those calories are coming from? You can determine your maximum heart rate with this simple equation: 220 – your age = your max heart rate. Monitoring your heart rate is key to exercising at the right intensity (target heart rate zone) to meet your fitness goals.

2.       Exercise at the Right Intensity You should exercise at 60-85 percent of your maximum heart rate to lose those few extra pounds of body fat. In fact, studies show that people who exercise at too high of an intensity (above 85 percent), especially in the initial stages of a workout program, drop out sooner, have more injuries and tend to develop a negative impression toward exercise in general. Aim for 20-60 minutes of continuous exercise incorporating intervals in your target zone each session. If you are unable to exercise for 20 minutes initially, slow down and gradually build up to this.

3.       Stay Hydrated If you are exercising to burn fat, be sure to consume at least 64 ounces of water per day, plus an additional 16 ounces for every hour of moderate-intensity activity. Fat is excreted primarily through urine, sweat and carbon dioxide when released in the air from your lungs. If dehydrated, the body isn’t efficient at expelling fat. For an added bonus, try a nutrient-rich beverage such as ACTIVATE, which features a unique twist cap that stores a fresh dose of vitamins separate from water (delivered in a 100% post-consumer recycled plastic bottle), allowing them to stay fresh and offering a convenient way to get the nourishment your body needs. Not only is ACTIVATE free of sugar, calories and preservatives, it’s naturally sweetened with Stevia and delivers the same great taste of other sugar-laden vitamin waters without all of the calories.

4.      Get Adequate Protein Eat at least 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight when trying to lose body fat. This will ensure you maintain your muscle, which will keep your metabolism burning more calories, helping to rid the extra post-natal pounds at a more rapid rate.

5.      Eat Breakfast Every Day Eat breakfast every day. People who eat breakfast consume fewer total calories during the day then those who don't.

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Posted by: Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley on September 12th, 2012    Filed in: Tips, Techniques, How-Tos & Advice

Belly FatHere are a few tips on how to lose stomach fat in a healthy way: drink plenty of water, fruits and veggies; engage in aerobic exercise; do some weight training; have a proper nutrition and diet.

Belly fats can be very annoying. And, to get rid of them fast is one major concern of almost all women who gained weight through time. What to do and how to do it effectively is the big question. Below are some helpful ways that you can follow to achieve your goal:

Drink Plenty of Water and Eat Plenty of Fruits & Veggies

Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. Water will eliminate toxins from your body making it very important for your health. Drinking plenty of it can basically aid you in controlling your diet. Drinking vegetable and fruit juice is another healthy way of eliminating fat since they are rich in fiber. Fiber will naturally push calories out of your body.

Engage in Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise includes bicycling, jogging, walking, swimming, dancing and stair climbing. These exercises are great for burning belly fat. Any of these exercises should be done for about 30 minutes or more. Anything less than that would be considered as exercises contributing to plainly cardiovascular benefits, but not in burning the fats in your abdominal area.

Do Some Weight Training

Weight training need not be strenuous for you. Choose a program that fits your body structure and need. This is a very good way to sculpt and tone your muscles. Weight training is able to burn fats fast and easier because of its capability to increase metabolism rate.

Utilize Proper Nutrition & Diet

In order to succeed in your fat elimination program, the key here is to integrate exercise and good nutrition and proper diet. You should have less intake of calories to expedite in getting rid of the fat in your belly. Eating in smaller portions of about 4 to 5 times per day is better that overeating in one or maybe two meal times. Choose natural and or organic food too.

Take vitamins and supplements for a healthier you. Lastly, have a large amount of fiber and protein in your food intake.  Foods rich in monounsaturated fats like beans, nuts and avocado can give you a feeling of being full, thus decreasing you cravings for more food.

Belly fat is caused not only by lack of exercise and increase in food intake. Studies show that stress can play a devastating role in your tummy. But, then again, with enough rest and exercise combined with a proper nutrition like that of Jillian Michaels diet, you know you have better chances of having the flat belly you so desire.

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Posted by: Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley on September 9th, 2012    Filed in: Tips, Techniques, How-Tos & Advice

Beach BodyNow that winter is officially over, it’s time to begin shedding the layers of clothing that concealed our bodies during the colder months. For many, bathing suit panic hits as we begin to think about the warm summer months and that means stepping up your exercise program to get the beach body that you always wanted.

Here are some tips for avoiding sports injuries as you increase your exercise this spring from Laurie Towers, top New York City celebrity trainer and CEO of Physical Advantage PC, the sports and performing arts massage center in NYC.

Diet and exercise work hand in hand and one will support the other tremendously. "You can't out train a bad diet," says Towers. To see the results you will do well to honor both of these principles.

But wait, there`s more! »

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Posted by: Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley on September 8th, 2012    Filed in: Tips, Techniques, How-Tos & Advice

National Yoga MonthSeptember is National Yoga Month, as designated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to promote the benefits of the practice and to encourage a healthy lifestyle. Though Americans spent $5.7 billion on yoga products in 2008, practicing doesn't have to cost you an arm and a leg.

Follow these tips to find the many benefits of yoga for less -- your body and mind will thank you.

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Posted by: Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley on August 19th, 2012    Filed in: Tips, Techniques, How-Tos & Advice

Hiking Tips from Jeff Alt How do you teach your children to enjoy hiking?  Start early and make it fun! So says outdoor enthusiast extraordinaire and author Jeff Alt.

“Getting kids outside is more important than ever,” he says. “TV, computer and video game addictions are replacing outdoor play time. Passive inside entertainment is contributing significantly to the national obesity epidemic! It’s time to get off the couch America! Get the kids outside!”

Jeff is an avid hiker.  In addition to walking the 2,160-mile Appalachian Trail, he also walked the 218-mile John Muir Trail with his wife, and trekked across a 50-mile path of Ireland with his wife, young daughter, and extended family. He and his wife emerged from the church doors on their wedding day wearing backpacks, and his son was taken on his first hike at 8 weeks.

Jeff has lots of great advice about how to make sure you and the kids have a great time outdoors.

But wait, there`s more! »

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Posted by: Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley on July 21st, 2012    Filed in: Product Reviews

adidas Outdoor In an effort to slow down the hands of time and keep myself fit, I've taken up running.  My favorite place to run is along the many sidewalks and trails surrounding my neighborhood.  I have to admit that I don't necessarily enjoy running, but I haven't found anything else quite like it which whips my cardio level and endurance into shape so quickly.

In order to achieve my personal best while running around the neighborhood, I must zone out.  That's why the clothing I choose to wear is of utter importance to my overall performance.  If a garment is uncomfortable, rubs me wrong or hurts in any way, I'm not able to hit "my zone" and I end up calling it quits long before I should.

adidas has always been my favorite brand of athletic clothing, so naturally I was intrigued to learn of their new adidas Outdoor collection of performance gear.  They were generous enough to send me two pieces from this collection so that I could hit the trails in both comfort and style.  Keep reading to learn more!

I reviewed the Women's Outdoor Terrex 3/4 Tights and Swift ActiveTop Running Tank Top in Core Energy from adidas, which retail for $60.00 and $45.00, respectively.

But wait, there`s more! »

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