When it comes to my family's health, I do anything and everything I can to make wise decisions. I do my best to eat healthy food, exercise regularly and cut out unhealthy activities like smoking and drinking. But there's a new danger that's been getting a lot of buzz lately... cell phone radiation.
Since I have a genetics degree and was a Science teacher in a past life, I take scientific research very seriously. Many scientists around the world have been conducting studies on the dangers of electromagnetic radiation in relation to cell phone use and, in my opinion, the results are quite alarming.
Of course, the cell phone industry states that there is no definitive relation to cell phone use and brain cancer or tumors, and that's true...to a point. The problem is, cancer is a disease which takes several years, if not decades, to manifest itself and cell phones just haven't been around long enough yet for the true ramifications to become evident.
I find the comparison between cell phone radiation and cigarette smoking eerily similar. The industry which profits blatantly denies any possibility of danger, while scientists warn that there's a definite possibility of harm. Several decades later, everyone knows the imminent harm that can come from smoking a cigarette, but for many people, it's just too late.
Thankfully, xZubi Technologies has a preventative method everyone can take against electromagnetic field radiation until the matter of its dangers is officially settled. Why take the risk of developing brain tumors and cancer, when for a very low price, your entire family can be protected?
But wait, there`s more! »