Review - My Tot Clock Toddler Sleep Clock Establishes a Healthy Sleep Routine and Much More

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My Tot ClockHas this ever happened to you?  Your little one bounding out of bed at 6 am on a Saturday morning when the entire family normally sleeps in until at least 8 am.  How about at nap time, when they've been in their rooms for about 20 minutes and then begin clamoring that nap time is over and they're ready to come back into the living room and play?  In my house, this behavior is actually the norm, which can be very frustrating.

Young children just don't have any concept of time yet and so it's not their fault when they don't adhere to a sleep schedule.  Unfortunately, they don't realize that they haven't had the proper amount of rest...until it's too late and they are in the midst of an extremely "bad day".

So how you can clue a child in on when they should wake up and when they need to go back to sleep?  Well, thankfully White Dove Innovations has created a novel solution that's easy to learn and extremely fun too!  It's the My Tot Clock and I had the chance to review this with my little early riser.  Keep reading to learn more!

I reviewed the My Tot Clock from White Dove Innovations, which retails for $49.95.

My Tot Clock

My Tot ClockThe My Tot Clock is a unique toddler sleep clock that teaches children the concept of "sleep" and "awake".  Pre-programmed colored backgrounds set to an alarm time offer innovative sleep training for children.  Now parents can create healthy sleep habits in a fun, educational way.  When a child sees the background color change to yellow on their My Tot Clock, they know it is time to wake.  If they see the blue colored background, they know they should stay in bed until the background color changes.

Research shows the average toddler wakes before it's time to get out of bed.  Young children are not inclined to stay in bed until a reasonable hour, nor do they understand how to read a clock.  Also, according to the National Sleep Foundation's Sleep in America Research, almost one-half of toddlers (46%) and one-third of preschoolers (36%) wake up one time or more per night.

My Tot ClockMy Tot Clock is the first all-in-one sleep clock, alarm clock, nightlight, timeout timer, and activity timer for tiny tots who can't yet tell time.  The magic of My Tot Clock is that it changes color to teach little ones when it is time to sleep (blue light) and when it's okay to get out of bed (yellow light). Parents set the routine!

My Tot Clock, with its child-friendly analog clock display, also plays bedtime stories, lullabies, fun wake-up music, and even white noise to make the traditionally stressful bedtime and morning routines more enjoyable.  My Tot Clock also includes a light blue light for nap time or quiet play time, a red light for timeout, and a green light for any positive timed activity like potty training and picking up toys.  Managing important tot time has never been easier!

There are so many things that I love about the My Tot Clock that I barely know where to begin.  First, I love how this clock has two different alarm settings (one for nap time and one for bedtime) because Riley frequently asks to get up when she isn't supposed to during both of these sleeping sessions.  Second, Riley is just 3 years old and she immediately grasped the concept of this clock for it is that simple to understand.  I explained how it worked to her ONE TIME and that was all it took.  She's been a sleeping superstar ever since.

The first time that I used the My Tot Clock with her was during nap time.  Normally, after about 15 minutes, she's asking if she can come downstairs and play.  I let her read or play quietly in her room with her stuffed animals if she doesn't feel like napping, but I always enforce "rest time" with her.  After explaining how the My Tot Clock worked, I told her that she'll know when "rest time" is over when the blue clock face turns yellow.  It was so funny, because exactly one minute after the color changed, she began yelling that her nap time was now over.  She never once asked to come downstairs early and instead kept looking to the My Tot Clock to tell her when "rest time" was over.

My Tot ClockI'm also thrilled that I've been able to get a restful night's sleep now thanks to the My Tot Clock.  Before, Riley would wake up very early and start asking to come downstairs.  She would wake me up and I would have to answer her that it wasn't time yet.  Then she'd fall back asleep for about 45 minutes and the whole process would repeat itself.  This led to one tired and grumpy mommy in the mornings!  Now, I can finally get a full night's sleep without the constant interruptions.  I couldn't be more grateful to the My Tot Clock for teaching Riley about time through colors.

If you have a little one who could use some gentle guidance in the mornings or at nap time as to when to stay in bed or when to get up, then the My Tot Clock is an absolute must have.  Thanks to the My Tot Clock, our entire family is more rested and better prepared to tackle each day.  I think I even see the large bags under my eyes starting to that's a reason to celebrate!  :party:

More Items from My Tot Clock:


4.5 Star Product Review
Disclosure: I received the My Tot Clock from White Dove Innovations in order to facilitate my review. No other compensation was received. This product review is based on my own personal experiences with this item and is completely honest and objective.
I'm a former 7th grade Science teacher turned stay-at-home mom that lives in Houston, Texas. I am married to my college sweetheart and have a beautiful daughter named Riley, who definitely keeps me on my toes! I am also involved in starting a small business which would both manufacture and sell an invention that I've patented, called Toothpaste 2 Go. I love interacting with my readers and hope to learn as much about you as you learn about me!

Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley!
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