Save Time this Season with Bank of America

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Colossal Christmas Countdown:

13 Days Until Christmas!


With only two weeks left until Christmas, the holiday season is in full swing.  If you're like me, you are definitely rushing around trying to wrap up a ton of loose ends...and presents!  :)  There are plenty of cookies and cakes to bake for office parties and neighborhood gatherings, last minute shopping to do, holiday decorations and outdoor lights to put out and presents to wrap.  Of course, we still need to have the house clean and in tip top shape for holiday visitors too.

Whew!  When my to-do list begins to overwhelm me, I have to find smart ways to utilize my time, and that's where Bank of America has stepped in to help.  They've instituted several ways to manage your holiday spending and bill paying so as to streamline your efforts.  Now there will be more "Ho, Ho!" and less "Oh No!"

 Bank of America has three major ways to help you save time and money this Christmas.  These include their Mobile Banking, Deposit Image ATMs and Online Banking.  Both online and mobile banking will help give you secure access to your checking, savings, credit card, mortgage, line of credit, loan and other accounts with Bank of America.

You can even transfer funds to other Bank of America accounts or customers, both online and by using your mobile phone.  Of course, it's always a breeze to instantly locate a nearby bank or ATM using these services too, complete with easy to read directions to your destination.

My personal favorite time-saver from Bank of America is definitely the Deposit Image ATMs.  Rarely do I conduct any other business at a bank or drive-thru teller window besides simply depositing checks or cash.  During the holidays, bank teller lines can easily double or triple in length and this could waste as much as 30 minutes of your day.  In 30 minutes' time, I could have decorated a Christmas tree or wrapped about 10 presents!

Now, with Deposit Image ATMs, you can feed checks or cash directly into an ATM with no deposit slips or envelopes needed.  This service is completely accurate and you will have a verified receipt showing exactly what you put into the machine.  You can even make deposits as late as 8 pm which will post to your account that same day!

Bank of America has definitely helped ease my holiday burden and allowed me to have a little more time and energy to spend on the important festivities of the season instead of on my banking transactions.  Check out these helpful holiday tips for getting back a little more time to make merry!

1. Road trip rules: Seasoned holiday road-travelers live by three simple rules: 1) invest in a quick pass to whiz past hour-long lines at the tolls, 2) plot out where to get the cheapest gas along the way by using a “gas prices” feature on MapQuest, and 3) pre-pack energy-boosting snacks and beverages to avoid crowded rest stops and fast-food joints.

2.   Make sure it's in stock: Nothing wastes more time than driving from store-to-store in search of a specific item.  Do yourself a favor and call ahead or better yet check store inventory online before you leave home.  Many major e-tailers offer customers the convenience of purchasing items online and then picking them up in-store…some with express pick-up lines.

3. Babysitting or play date exchange: Gain kid-free time to make your way through your holiday to-do list by coordinating a play date exchange with another family.

Disclosure:  I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Bank of America and received a Bank of America preloaded gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.
Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley: I'm a former 7th grade Science teacher turned stay-at-home mom that lives in Houston, Texas. I am married to my college sweetheart and have a beautiful daughter named Riley, that definitely keeps me on my toes! I am also involved in starting a small business which would both manufacture and sell an invention that I've patented, called Toothpaste 2 Go. I love interacting with my readers and hope to learn as much about you as you learn about me!

View Comments (5)

  • Well, I do all our banking online as well as order gifts online so that frees up my time so I can bake, visit, and enter contests (hahaa)

    Follow GFC (Wanda McHenry)

  • I'm already a GFC friend! :)

    I make time during this season by committing to slowing down our pace, focusing more on being connected, and following the natural rhythm of our home & family. We are consciously simplifying this year and we are already feeling the benefits! For example, we spent an entire day just learning how to sew up some felt food! So much fun! :)