Reviews | Giveaways at Mommy Living the Life of Riley

Posted by: Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley on September 13th, 2012    Filed in: Tips, Techniques, How-Tos & Advice

Easy Healthy Lunch IdeasIt was a tragic lesson in the risks of consuming a fast-food, sugary diet:

Dr. Mona Meighan’s normally punctual 26-year-old son, Luke, did not show up for work one morning in 2009. A concerned co-worker stopped by Luke’s apartment and found the young man dead in his bed. An autopsy determined he died from complications of undiagnosed diabetes.

"For seven years, through college and into his work life, Luke lived on pizza and fast foods, sodas and sweet desserts," says Meighan, an education consultant and author of What Are You Doing for Lunch?: A Friendly Guide to Brown Bagging as a Better Way to Lunch.

"Since we have no diabetes in our family, I can only believe Luke’s diet contributed to his death. Too often, young people aren’t aware of how food affects their health. As an educator, I thought the best way to remember Luke was to give people the tools to change their lunch habits. By brown-bagging, you can avoid a lot of processed foods loaded with calories and carbohydrates. It’s healthier – and less expensive!"

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Posted by: Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley on September 12th, 2012    Filed in: Tips, Techniques, How-Tos & Advice

Arm & Hammer Baking SodaWith warmer weather fast approaching, it’s time to dust away the winter blues and refresh your home for spring.  Clean your home with natural, food safe Arm & Hammer Baking Soda instead of harsh cleaners.  It can be used in almost every room in the house and it only costs about $1 for a 1 lb. box!
Below you will find a variety of ways to incorporate baking soda into your spring cleaning routine.  Keep reading to learn more!

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Posted by: Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley on September 12th, 2012    Filed in: Tips, Techniques, How-Tos & Advice

High Gas PricesThe Associated Press reports a typical U.S. household will spend $4,155 on gas by year's end -- the biggest budget bite in 30 years.

Gas prices may have dropped precipitously in the last few months -- down an average of 12 percent at present since September -- but they're still hovering up there amidst the heavenly orbs. We can either hope Mars has plenty of "Texas tea" or start listening to consumer advice on how to save at the gas pump. Read on for seven such tips:

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Posted by: Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley on September 12th, 2012    Filed in: Tips, Techniques, How-Tos & Advice

Student Credit and Loans A recent story by USA Today found the Credit CARD Act of 2009 is cutting down on card companies cashing in on college students. Cards issued through universities and alumni associations dropped by 17 percent in 2010. This benefits student spendaholics, but a lack of credit history is an obstacle for upcoming grads ready to finance a new car or upgrade their furniture. Here are a few smart ways for students to start building credit history.

Credit Cards

We're not suggesting students go out and open a bunch of credit cards, but some plastic used responsibly can go a long way towards creating good credit. There are several options for students to help avoid high interest rates and annual fees.

A secured credit card is one of the easiest for the credit-less to acquire and requires a deposit equal to the credit limit. Rates and fees vary, so comparison shopping is a must. Another option is to become an authorized user on a parents' account. Students don't have responsibility for the bill, but still get the benefits of on-time payments on their credit report.

PT Money put together a list of the best credit cards for students, making comparison shopping much easier.

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Posted by: Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley on September 12th, 2012    Filed in: Tips, Techniques, How-Tos & Advice

Summer Camp Sleep-away summer camp represents an epic moment for both kids and parents – a time for kids to take a big step toward independence and a time for parents to begin letting go.

Amidst the frenzy of planning for this childhood milestone, Moms need to turn their attention to one important area to ensure that these best-laid plans don’t spiral into disaster: bugs!  These little pests represent a natural part of summer camp but left unchecked, bugs – including mosquitoes, bees, ticks, horseflies, chiggers, ants, lice, and bedbugs – can render even the most outdoorsy kid into one who crosses summer camp off his list for good.

Here are Stacy’s mom-friendly tips to avoid the summertime swarm:

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Posted by: Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley on September 12th, 2012    Filed in: Tips, Techniques, How-Tos & Advice

Camping Gear EssentialsNow that summer is almost here and your kids are dying to get outside and play, why not take them on a camping excursion?  Hiking, fishing, roasting marshmallows and sleeping under the stars were all things I loved to do as a child and actually still like to do!

I can't wait until my daughter is a little older and we can "get back to nature" ourselves!  If you are planning a big camping trip this year, don't forget the essentials you'll need to ensure a great outdoor experience:


It would be a huge mistake to forget one of the most important things used when camping, the tent.  Make sure it is weatherproof and heavy-duty and can withstand any weather condition.  You never know when that late-night rain storm could pop up and you want to make sure that you and your family are protected.  Of course, there are always the "things that go bump in the woods" to need a little shelter from too!

Sleeping bags

Another important thing to bring is the sleeping bag, which comes in various thicknesses and sizes.  This will give you both warmth and protection against creeping creatures while sleeping.

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