Reviews | Giveaways at Mommy Living the Life of Riley

Posted by: Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley on September 20th, 2012    Filed in: Blog Hopping & Networking, Giveaway Links From Other Sites

Now that Mommy Living the Life of Riley! is busy doing some awesome product giveaways, I really appreciate all of the many places out there in the blogosphere that allow me to publicize them! So, why not do the same thing here for my readers? Well, yippie-ki-yay because starting now, I am! So, come along little dogie and list all your giveaway linkys here! This list will keep going all week long.

Stick Em Up Friday

Make sure to check out all of the terrific giveaways I've got going on right now, which are listed to the left on my sidebar!

Please list your giveaways in the following format:



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Posted by: Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley on September 20th, 2012    Filed in: Tips, Techniques, How-Tos & Advice

Halloween Halloween is a celebration of make-believe, pumpkins, autumn, and most of all...candy. While kids wait all year for this holiday of endless sugar, it can often be a nightmare for parents. What is a parent to do if they are worried about tooth decay from all this candy consumption?

Candy usually contains sugar, which is the perfect environment for breeding bacteria that cause tooth decay. Consequently, to avoid future dental problems, it is important to keep two things in mind when eating candy: 1) Avoid excessive consumption of these sugary treats and 2) Lessen the amount of time the sugar is present in the mouth. But wait, there`s more! »

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Posted by: Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley on September 19th, 2012    Filed in: Giveaways, Product Reviews

Monopoly MillionaireMonopoly is one of my favorite board games of all time.  I've spent countless hours amassing my imaginary fortunes and planning my strategies to dominate all.  Unfortunately, after a while, even the classics can become a little stale, which is why Monopoly has revamped itself with a brand new edition: Monopoly Millionaire.

The main change in this version of Monopoly is that instead of trying to be the one person who sends everyone else to bankruptcy, it's a race to be the first player to accumulate one million dollars.  Monopoly Millionaire has a few more surprises in store too.  Keep reading to learn more!

I reviewed the Monopoly Millionaire game from Hasbro, which retails for $22.99 with FREE SHIPPING.

But wait, there`s more! »

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Posted by: Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley on September 19th, 2012    Filed in: Giveaways, Product Reviews

TwisterWhat person on this planet hasn't played or at least heard of the classic game, Twister?  Not too many, if I had to guess.  Twister is one of the first games I can remember playing at middle school parties and it never ceased to make everyone involved crack up laughing.

Now, Hasbro has created Twister Dance, a modern "twist" on the original game which reminds me a lot of the super popular Dance, Dance Revolution.  Except with Twister Dance, you will be doing the latest steps on the four classic Twister dots...with the help of Britney Spears.  Keep reading to learn more!

I reviewed the Twister Dance game from Hasbro, which retails for $34.99 with FREE SHIPPING.

But wait, there`s more! »

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Posted by: Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley on September 18th, 2012    Filed in: Giveaways, Product Reviews

Lice ShieldIt's every family's nightmare...your children have gone back to school and just a few weeks later, have come home with a dreaded case of head lice.  These pesky buggers are hard to kill and even harder to contain, and before long, even YOU might be feeling the itch!  :pull hair out:

Fortunately, there's a solution to this scary scenario...prevent the head lice before they start with Lice Shield products.  Lice Shield is a line of hair care products specially formulated with a blend of natural essential oils to repel lice.  Keep reading to learn more!

Purchase Lice Shield products before 12/31/13 and receive a $2.00 rebate by mail.
Find out where your local lice outbreaks are and enter to win some Lice Shield products too!  Use their Facebook app today and keep track of the lice in your neighborhood.

But wait, there`s more! »

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Posted by: Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley on September 18th, 2012    Filed in: Tips, Techniques, How-Tos & Advice

Extreme Couponing A recent article on The Consumerist found the TLC show, Extreme Couponing, has sparked a trend of out-of-control couponers who ransack stores with little regard for fellow shoppers. Merchants have taken notice and many major retailers are starting to change their policies. Here are some of the big ones.

Rite Aid

Rite Aid has taken the same steps as Target to crack down on shoppers looking to exploit BOGO coupon offers. The drug store chain has also made other changes including limiting the number of coupons per item to four. If inventory is running low, managers may limit the numbers further.

But wait, there`s more! »

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