If you've been reading my blog since the New Year, you might have read a few posts concerning my try at the South Beach Diet. I'm definitely on a quest to get healthy and completely overhaul my junk food-laden diet. The reason I chose the South Beach Diet program to begin with is because I liked how it began with a detox portion and then slowly introduced more and more foods, eventually ending with a healthy, nutritional diet that is to be maintained for life.
The South Beach Diet Phase One though is definitely no joke and much harder than it looks. During this phase, you are allowed no fruits, little to no dairy, no starches or carbs and even some vegetables, like carrots, are restricted. I knew this wasn't going to be easy, but not exactly for the reasons I had originally thought. I thought that I would be craving sugar and carbs like crazy, but was surprised when this didn't happen.
You see, I'm not the biggest fan of food and actually don't enjoy eating a lot. I eat when I'm hungry and I like feeling full all day. Perhaps this is why I would typically snack on starches, carbs and dairy...they always did a great job of filling me up.
But wait, there`s more! »