Many of you may or may not know this about me, but I was actually an accomplished saxophone player back when I was younger. I've been playing the saxophone now since I was in 5th grade and have won many awards through the years and even played a few paying gigs after high school.
So, needless to say, I thought picking up another instrument such as the piano would be a piece of cake. Since I already know how to read sheet music, understand music theory,etc., I could just teach myself how to play, right? WRONG! :no no:
I've tried on several accounts to teach myself how to play the piano by using various workbooks, video programs and even putting stickers on the keys, but in the end, I always fell short. Two things seem to prevent me from tickling those ivories: I'm not used to playing two lines of music at once and I get confused as to which fingers should be hitting which keys. Once the music starts, all of those black and white keys seem to blur together and I lose my place on the keyboard.
Apparently, I'm not the only one who isn't quite up to the challenge of teaching themselves the piano, and thankfully Casio has invented a portable keyboard for anyone who wants to play, especially beginners. Not only does this keyboard sound great and have a ton of amazing features, it has lighted keys and built in piano lessons to get any player started on the right track to musical stardom. Keep reading to learn more about the absolute neatest keyboard I've ever played!
But wait, there`s more! »